Fun for all tastes
Typical dinners in collaboration with local companies and wineries
Degustazione delle Pizze delle Terre di Rossini and Raphael, with local wines and / or craft beers (min 4 Pax, 20 € per person)
Dinner of nino, based on organized pork in January
Menu of the goose (on reservation from June to August, min 4 pax, full menu at 30 € per person) Autumn time of Porcini and Truffles, wide choice of dishes available à la carte
Birthdays for children with animation and games
The carousel of the Duke, DINNER WITH YELLOW and team play set at the court of the Duke Giovanni della Rovere. (by reservation, min 30 pax., price to be agreed according to the menu and the number of participants)
Gastronomic weekends, in collaboration with the Confcommercio of Pesaro and Urbino (autumn and spring)
Evenings and / or aperitifs with entertainment musical (even poolside)